For Yousstex International sustainability is a given,

innovation is a tool and employees are family. We’re producing best quality denim with a focus on the human side of the business, after all without our Jeaniuses (yes, that’s what we call our workers) we’d be basically a ghost town of unused machines. That’s why as a family we are on a mission to raise awareness about the makers amongst the wearers. Oh, also, we’re taking care of our planet cause it’s the only one we have (until Elon conquers Mars).

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Humanising the jeans production by introducing the smile behind the seam (while producing jeans in an innovative and sustainable way.)


Radical Transparency

There’s no need to be secretive where there’s nothing to hide. We don’t believe in plagiarism we believe in hive creativity, communal innovation and joined progress. That's why we've decided to share with you our holy grail: The Yousstex 101.